Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Scissors is the New Rock

I think the Japanese play Paper, Scissors, Rock more than a lot of other cultures, so if you're living outside of Japan, you might not have as much an opportunity to put this into practice.

As reported by the Telegraph, New Scientist magazine ran an article where scientists present the optimal strategy to win.

According to the article:
the way to win is to start with scissors.

Research shows that stone, also called rock, is the most popular of the three possible moves in the game.

That means that your opponent is likely to choose paper, because they will expect to you to start the game with stone.

By going with scissors, you achieve an early victory.

And also

There are a number of different strategies to secure victory in the game once it gets going. New Scientist suggests: "You could try the double bluff, where you tell your opponent what you are going to throw - then do it.

"No one believes you'll do it, so they won't play the throw that beats the throw you are playing."

Alternatively you could throw the move that would have beaten your opponent's previous move. The logic here is that players subconsciously try to beat their own previous move.

The secret to winning at rock, paper, scissors

I can't help but think that publishing these results will work against them as scissors becomes the new rock. Hopefully this important news won't make the rounds in the Japanese media.



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